“Not good enough” never goes away.
The mantra “not good enough” tends to sneak in like a snaky underlying poison in many women’s consciousness. Repeating itself over and over again.
When you are convinced of that belief, you may have everything it takes to live a life full of love, pleasure, following your divine purpose, but your self-doubts will sabotage you by telling you that you can’t do it.
That others are better than you, more intelligent, more educated, more beautiful, more successful.
This belief makes you feel powerless, fearful, insecure, or anxious to take action in the direction your womb heart really desires to go.
Or you think, you need to DO more. Work harder in your job, on your body, on your sexual healing, in your relationship. Become a better, more perfect version of yourself.
That “not good enough” will be there even if you have done years of spiritual work or personal development.
It won’t leave even if you are teaching, coaching, or leading others.
Some days I wake up and feel incomplete, overwhelmed by the world, my own fears, and insecurities.
In those moments I believe I am falling short compared to everyone else who seems to have it all figured out.
It’s usually when we go through big life changes and let go of old parts of ourselves to become someone new that these beliefs come to the surface. In times of uncertainty and stress, most of our deep wounds and habits get highlighted.
Because at the end we are all human. We are here to learn and grow.
It’s so easy to overlook our greatness and infinite potential and to become disconnected from our divine purpose.
Especially if we choose to walk the path of a leader or wanting to become a coach or teacher.
“I am not good enough to write my book that probably will change millions of women’s lives. What do I have to say?”
“I will wait until I have hundreds of diplomas and certificates to prove that I am good enough to take on this new project that will help many women start their own heart, womb, and soul centered businesses.”
“I will open my heart to this man only when I have processed and healed all the pain of my past breakups, or only if I finally really love myself and don‘t need any love and approval from the outside anymore.”
We all have a choice, and we can choose between a place of “not good enough” or fear, and one of confidence, and do what love would do.
Being loving, compassionate, and forgiving to yourself as you are with your students, clients or children.
Identifying your limiting beliefs and fears. Seeing them and loving them for what they are and choosing new ones that feel empowering and are very likely more true.
Remember your values. Why are you here? What are you serving?
And if you can’t remember, call your best friend. Or surround yourself with women who feel naturally more confident and remind you of your beauty and magic.
You are here to make a difference in this world the way only you can. And at the end this is all not only all about you.
So what are you choosing today?
I have spaciousness for 2 x 1-1 mentoring women in July. This will suit you if you are ready to step into the next level of your feminine and sexual embodiment or if you have a womb heart centered message or offering and want to serve more love and other women in this world.
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