Often people say to me: “I love what you are doing but I would never be brave enough to share my truth.”
My 1st reaction: „Oh no, it’s nothing.“
2nd reaction: “I am fucking amazing!” EGObullshit
3rd reaction: A deep breath and a heartfelt humble „thank you!“ RECEIVING one of my main teachings.
4th reaction: WHY are you not brave enough?
Sometimes I wonder: What’s going on in this world that people are so afraid to follow their hearts, to trust their inner knowing and to share their truth?
I mean I get it. I was born in the old East part of Germany and came from a Christian background, but I started to question conservative belief systems from the time I was a child.
We all grew up in a society and within various traditions that don’t encourage us to speak our truth. We live in a culture that likes to keep people contained and small, and makes us believe that we are separate, and that this 3D reality is all there is.
Most people look outside themselves for answers and rely on the truth of others. This leads many of us to anxiety, fear and depression.
Many people like to stay in their comfort zone, it’s a safe place with mainly familiar edges. Sometimes it seems easier to stay in the old, rather than open to the unknown and follow your truth.
Most of us are scared to find out who they truly are. Not to mention speaking their truth and sharing their medicine with others.
About a year ago as I launched the first Tantric Bodywork Immersion for Women, a woman, my teacher and “friend“ put me publicly on the social media cross. It felt like a witch hunt.
I was shocked, devastated and afraid. My biggest fear since I had started to share my truth more openly became a reality. My fear of being judged, not loved and abandoned.
It felt like dying. And I actually sensed in my bones that I was being killed for speaking my truth.
But can I afford to stop and go back to sleep? No, I can‘t.
Once you have tasted the full sweetness of following the path of inner truth there is no way back.
Truth is scary. Truth is intimidating. Truth is intimate. Truth brings closeness.
Truth is a fast track to liberation.
I know sharing my vulnerable truth pushes some people away but brings way more people closer. First of all it brings me closer towards myself.
Any commitment to truth can completely change your life!
I want to give birth to a new earth, a heaven on earth where women and men live together in truth.
Where we become leaders of our own life, our communities and relationships with love, truth and connection. #leadingfromthewomb
I want to see you shining bright, speaking your truth and sharing your gifts.
I know it isn‘t always comfy, but it’s extremely sexy and so needed!
Remember your feminine gifts, and join us for A Women’s Facilitator Training in the the Jungle of magical Bali! Together we will dive deep into the mystery of our feminine essence and explore how we can lead from an embodied way of feminine purpose, being and love.
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