Dear women, do you want to know a secret that will change your love life forever?
Your vulnerable heart makes HIM love you even more.
Dear men, do you want to know a secret that will change your love life forever?
Your vulnerable heart makes HER love you even more.
The heart is not only the physical heart and the emotional center, the heart is the spiritual organ of receptivity.
Your doorway into love, truth and freedom.
I know, it sounds almost too simple, right?
The heart carries the profound capacity to listen, to accept, to forgive and to share intimacy.
Along the path of our human experience we learned to shut down expressing our feelings because at times it was painful.
We may haven’t been received, made wrong for the way we feel or were rejection.
So we began to build armours around our hearts. This is nothing to judge, this is actually a very normal and healthy protection mechanism.
But if we don’t learn how to melt these closed parts and open our hearts again, we create separation to experience the love and connection that we all so deeply long for.
I witness many people in my private life and through my work moving through life with a closed heart.
And I know the pain this protection creates, because I have done this most of my life.
I used to suppress my feelings, withdraw into my inner world and continued with life pretending everything was all right.
I judged other people for being emotionally not available, but the painful truth is – it was me who wasn’t fully there!
I know it can not be easy, feels almost unnatural or scary to make new choices.
To open and receive love again. To take the risk to be hurt again. To revisit old wounds.
But I believe it’s time.
Ask yourself:
How does it feel to carry all this pain in your heart?
What is your heart really yearning for?
What do you love?
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