Many women don‘t consider themselves leaders, even if they have brilliant leadership qualities.
They lead their lives, their families and businesses with so much heart and love, but very often don’t see or feel themselves to be leaders.
Not only do we live with a mind set where leaders are mainly men – this is how it actually still works in the real world.
Even if women use their natural leadership skills like collaborating and communicating, way more than men, they often don‘t believe in themselves as leaders.
I believe that we receive the tragedy of women’s lack of confidence from the start, with our mother’s milk.
This collective virus is very often evident even in little girls.
Later in life women usually notice the effects the most, as they step into the corporate world, managing work and family or facing challenges caused by gender differences.
When women are facing their internal barriers, it often shows up in the form of fear of taking leadership in any aspect of their lives.
Fear shuts us down, makes us want to run away or fight back.
One of the biggest fears of women is to shine their light and be fully seen in their feminine wisdom and power.
What does it even mean to lead in a feminine way?
What makes women authentic female leaders?
How can we let go of beliefs of not being intelligent enough, or too emotional or too soft?
Do we really need to be pushy to lead?
Do I have to choose between being a good leader but a bad woman, or being a good woman but a bad leader?
If you are reading this, I bet you are an absolutely amazing leader and deep inside you know that you have a magical gift that you would like to share with the world.
But you might be afraid of revealing yourself and talking about what you have to offer.
You might shy away from taking the next step towards your heart-centered business, because it feels too big and overwhelming or you don‘t know how to authentically promote yourself with confidence.
That deep old friend of ”Not good enough“.
What if you weren’t afraid to lead?
What if you were taught how to lead but also how to believe in yourself as a leader?
What if you understood your values and were brave enough to take small actions?
This article isn’t about women vs. men, it‘s about inclusion, variation and balance.
You are an incredible leader.
But how do you get to believe it?
Womb Leadership Training, Level 2 will happen September 5-12, 2020 in Ibiza.Some women from Level 1 won’t be able to join us, so we have 2 spots available! This course is for women who already have done some deep inner feminine work, have a womb heart-centered message or offering and the desire to become more empowered in their roles as a leader.
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